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ARCH1062 Exercise #1
Corner Problems in Motion - Sample Animation
Yale School of Architecture ARCH1062
Mini Exercise #1
Corner Problems in Motion
Resources for Research and Design
Instructor: Zach Michielli
ITF: Sewon Roy Kim
“The world is complex, dynamic, multidimensional; the paper is static, flat. How are we to represent the rich visual world of experience and measurement on mere flatland?” Edward R. Tufte
My eye, my brain, are images, parts of my body ... external images act on me, transmit movement to me, and I return movement: how could images be in my consciousness since I am myself image, that is movement?...
Gilles Deleuze
In this exercise, you will be asked to represent, construct or manipulate your corner problems in motion. This is your opportunity to take a short vacation outside the flatland and re-evaluate current thesis in a divergent dimension.
By creating a 5~10 second animation based on your working Rhino file, you will visualize your “interrogated and illuminated” logics outside the traditional mode of architectural representation. This superimposed layers of perspectives, time and distorted materiality will introduce a new set of questions to your current corner problems.
This exercise is not intended for representing your final deliverables. Rather, please use this hybrid as part of your research and design process. Produced operations may act as a tool to evaluate, manipulate or amplify your hybrid in a temporal and plastic state.
Process Summary
1. Import your two working Rhino models to Blender 3D. If you chose to create a hybrid of Rudolph Hall and Beinecke, it would be ideal to import one corner of Rudolph and one corner of Beinecke as a separate file.
2. Using the keyframe function - move, rotate and scale your two corners and create a hybrid in motion
3. Using the camera tool, introduce multiple perspectives and vanishing points that renders the animated hybrid in motion.
4. If you would like to go further, try using modifier function to manipulate your animated model.
5. Render the outcome as a 5~10 second video and write a short description on how this hybrid in motion relates to your current questions on the “corner problems.”
Aug 10 – Introduction to the exercise & tutorials
TBA – One-on-one tutorial session
Aug 16 – Group Discussion on produced 5-sec animations
We will provide you with tutorials on how to work with Blender 3D. This exercise doesn’t involve any advanced features in Blender. The assignment will likely take less than 1~2 hours to complete.
If you need any assistance or have questions, please sign up for one-on-one tutorial session. We will distribute Google Spread sign-up sheet by e-mail when it’s ready.
Other Software-related Inquires
Please use the same sign-up sheet if you need any other assistance with Digital Modeling, Fabrication and Representation. I will be more than happy to assist you with any software questions or issues. This includes basic tutorials on 3D printing, Rhino, Autocad, Adobe Suite and more.
Final Schedule:
Aug 10 - Introduction
Aug 15 - In-Person Feedbacks
Aug 15 - Final Submission
Aug 16 - Pechakucha Style Presentations & Discussions
Sign-Up for In-Person Feedbacks:
Final Submission Link for Animations:
Due 10:00 PM, Aug 15th